Monday, June 25, 2007

June 2007 update

I hope you all are enjoying your summer.

I am making preparations in my final week before returning to Honduras for about a month. I leave on Friday, the 29th and will return on July 22nd. During the first half of my time there, I will be working with a group from Georgia that is overseeing the sponsorship program of the Christian school in Trujillo. They have organized a VBS, among other things, to be carried out. Then, on July 11th, my mother will fly in (for the second time!). We plan to purchase food and supplies to be distributed in Trujillo and to take Carmen Garcia and Osladis Romero on a doctor’s visit. Please pray that these appointments yield definitive results and a clear and viable treatment plan.

Carmen and her grandson, Luis.
On June 16th, the Cadillac Church of Christ had a garage sale to help the scholarship program. Over $500 were raised! $1,300 including individual donations. I was very encouraged and blessed that the congregation I grew up in chose to work together in such a giving and willing way to make this fundraiser happen. Many thank yous!

Please read about June’s student of the month: Vanessa Lizeth Ponce Roman.

Exciting news…In addition to the car and the reinstatement to my job position, I have another blessing to add to the list: my first home. It is located only a few blocks from Craig and Stephanie’s house. The transaction is currently pending. I hope to close when I return from Honduras. I’ll pass along my new address once all the paperwork is signed and official. I would love for you to come visit!

Life in Detroit has proved to be interesting. Curiously, there are some striking similarities to life in Honduras. For example, Hondurans and Detroiters have a similar level of regard for traffic laws and courtesies. Ice cream is a hot item to sell on the street in both places. One day, I saw a boy sitting in the back of a truck holding a megaphone, two adult men on a bike together, random dogs in the street, and heard firecrackers. If the temperature had been a little bit warmer, I might have been confused as to where I was. Ah, the cultural anomalies…

I’ll leave you with the story of Albert. I met Albert at a gas station. He appeared to be mentally and addictionally incapacitated. Nonetheless, he offered to pump my gas in an effort to get food for his girls. In his barely intelligible words, he told me his story, tears and saliva running down his face. I invited him into the store with me to buy him some food. He kept telling me how I was a good person and that God was going to bless me for this. At the cash register, he tried to light a cigarette and got a little mouthy with the teller, but when I told him to stop, he apologized and went outside to wait for me. While we were in the store, his backpack was stolen with his few belongings inside. I drove him to the intersection near the house were his girls were staying (only because Craig, Stephanie and my dad were with me). In the car, he continued to reiterate the things he had been saying, sometimes gratefully, sometimes with a laugh, sometimes angrily while waving his digitless right hand. I only pray that Albert’s daughters were able to eat that day and that he would find some way to overcome the situation his has found himself in. As Craig reminded me, “How do we know that we would not have turned out the same if we had grown up in the same environment?” God has chosen to bless us. Let us use those blessings as Stephanie says, “in the many ministry opportunities that surround us.”

Bless and be blessed,


Vanessa Lizeth Ponce Roman

Vanessa Lizeth Ponce Roman is one of my favorite people to write about. In fact, she could be the poster-child for the program. Vanessa is a 15-year-old orphan. She lives with her 86-year-old grandmother, Maria, in a small cement room near the Limonal church building. The back wall of their small apartment was falling into the ravine behind their house until a group came in ‘06 and repaired it along with their bathroom.

Maria and Vanessa clean the church building every week. Vanessa is always willing to work, but as the sole caregiver of her grandmother, it is difficult for her to be outside the home for very long. The two live on literally pennies a day. She has attended the sewing class at Little Hands Big Hearts in hopes that sewing may provide a supplemental income someday.

Vanessa is currently in the US equivalent of 7th grade. She graduated elementary school with a 98% GPA. She hopes to go to college someday and I hope that together we are able to help her achieve that goal.
(This is the best picture I have of her right now. I will take and new one while I'm there and post it when I return.)

Sunday, June 10, 2007

May 2007 update

On May 14th, I was approved to return early from leave and am currently teaching middle school music, the position I left two years ago. We have one week of school left! Though my position has been eliminated for next year, it sounds as though I will be teaching 4 sections of high school Spanish and one section of middle school Spanish. I trust that the Lord is leading this change.

I am still unsure whether to take some Spanish credits in the fall or to begin a Masters program. Still praying about that. Regardless I need to study something in order to keep my teaching certificate current.

Kevin Stewart is helping me look for a house. I have a couple great options right now, but am debating how to best serve the Lord with this new investment.

I have definitely been blessed but have had my struggles along the way. Please pray for wisdom as I need guidance on several issues and know that the Lord is the only One who can provide the answers.

It’s official! My plane ticket is bought for June 29th. I will be returning to Honduras for about a month to work with a group from Georgia and help with a VBS, sponsor/student correspondence in the Christian School in Trujillo, and work projects. Then, my mother will join me as we plan to distribute supplies, food etc. and take Carmen Garcia to a check-up in San Pedro Sula. Please pray that the Lord would oversee and bless these plans as details are often unpredictable and to a certain degree uncontrollable.

Because of the scholarship program, several students are now finishing the first half of their ’07 school year. Please read about May’s student of the month, Wendy Paola Rodriguez Romero.

I recently went to the And Still We Rise exhibit at the Museum of African-American History in downtown Detroit. I would highly recommend it to anyone. The exhibit takes the viewer through the sights and sounds that an African would have experienced before, during and after slavery. It is very well done and very touching, especially if you have been to Africa, but even if you have not. At one point, I said to myself, “It is amazing what men will do for money,” and prayed that we would never again allow such a travesty to occur.

This past week Susan Carter, Ron Carter's wife, passed away. They have been involved with the work in Honduras for years. Please pray for peace for the family. Ron has a very faithful outlook.

I pray that we would view whatever comes our way through the eyes of faith!


Monday, June 4, 2007

Wendy Paola Rodriguez Romero

Valuable Sir or Mrs:

Receive on my behalf very sincere greetings and hugs to you and your dear family. The reason for which I am writing is in order to express my eternal gratitude for the generous help that is allowing me to do excellently in my studies.
Thank you for the willingness that the Lord has given you so that I may receive help. Now I will be able to attend my second year of high school.
I will always receive your help with a lot of benefit and dedication.

I hope to be in touch.


Wendy Paola Rodriguez Romero
*Wendy is 15 years old and is studying in her first year at the high school (7th grade equivalent). She lives with 11 people, ie mother, siblings, nephews. She is always helping in the home and attends the Church of Christ in barrio Buenos Aires. She hopes to attend college someday.